Wednesday, April 22, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 36- Plyometrics (and catching up)

Just when I though things would settle down for me, things got crazy again. For work this week marks the close of our financial year so we are just slammed right now with things we have to do. I also found out that I'm being given an extra person to ork with as well as having a significant portion of Pennsylvania added to my Maryland/Delaware territory, so itlooks like I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling soon. good news is that P90X travels!

So anyway, while I may not have been blogging as much as I'd like to have been, I have been "Bringing it". Took care of Plyometrics yesterday and was pretty excited. It was the best Plyo has felt in a while for me.

I also did pretty well om Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps the toher day. I even rocked out 22 Pike Presses- which was a new record for me. So, things are coming along nicely.

The funniest thing is that the fitter you get and the more into P90X you get, the more people want to talk to you about it. Because of what I've been doing, my boss is now doing P90X with his wife and one of my doctors is doing it now too! It's just funny because months ago these people were all picking on me about doing the "infomercial" workout, but now they are all converts!

Back tonight with an update. Keep pushing play!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 31- Back and Biceps

Quick post tonight as I have a few things to do for work. Today was the Back & Bicep workout. Man, this one is a killer- in a good way. All sorts of funky pull ups and lots of vein-busting curls just punish you. I love it!

I felt pretty good today. Was pretty pumped up on my NOXplode and my Volumaize and brought it hard. My biceps were so pumped that my right one felt like it had a pulse! My arms were absolutely burning today. I struggled with the pull ups (especially the dreaded corn cobs). But I did my best and forgot the rest.

I did well on the ab Ripper as well. full reps (plus some extra Mason twists). I just had one of those "good" days today.

Anyway, looking forward to the Yoga tomorrow (did I really just say that?).....

Mike Out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 30- Intervals

Daily Workout Summary:

Happy me. I'm now an even older bastard. But at least I can't say FAT bastard anymore!

So, today was Day 30 and was supposed to be a Plyometrics day. But I decided to give myself a little present by kicking my ass with the Intervals workout from P90X+. Fun Times!

I brought it ok I guess. My balky right knee really acted up today so I had to modify a few moves and take it easy. But I still got a nice little workout in. I also played an indoor soccer game tonight which helped burn off a few more calories!


OK diet day-but could have been better. I had a protein shake for breakfast. missed my snack. Had lunch with the wife and kids at Panera Bread where I had half a bacon turkey bravo on wheat. Afternoon snack was a protein bar. And dnner was one slice of the wheat crust pizza with turkey pepperoni.

Favorite Move of The Day:

Super Skaters

I like this move a lot. It's basically the speed skating move from one of the other workouts. But as you add intensity, you end up making these huge leaps from side to side. I felt like Apollo Ono!

Monday, April 13, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 29- Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Daily Workout Summary:

Today was the first "new" workout tis round. I got to rock the challenging Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps workout today. I forgot how much fun yet how challenging this workout is! It's an absolute killer and I KNOW I will be sore tomorrow.

All sorts of cool push up variations. And for whatever reason, my triceps felt like they were going to literally pop off my arm. It was intense. I used my two scoops of NOXplode, rolled up my sleeves, and brought it.

I felt pretty good. It had been a long time since I had done this workout so sometimes I had to atch the move be demonstrated first. Then I would just hit rewind and go back to get my full reps in. I really like all the push up wariations in this one. And a lot of the crazy push ups demoed in the infomercial show up in this workout (like the plyo push ups and the one-arm balance push ups).

Solid day with Ab ripper- all reps on all moves. Not quite ready to add advanced moves yet, but it won't be too long!


Decent diet day. Breakfast was some turkey sausage and a banana. Snack was a protein bar. Lunch was a 6 inch trkey sub on wheat with mustard. Missed my afternoon snack. Dinner was a slice of pizza with a whole wheat crust and turkey pepperoni. I would have liked to add a little more protein into the mix, so I may polish off a protein shake before the evening is over.

Soundtrack of The Day:

Bleeding Me- Metallica

I just love this song- especially the version that is on the S&M album (symphony & metallica). It builds slowly and gets more intense with every second. Finally it gets intense and loud at the end- which is just like my workout!

Move of The Day:

Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups.

I hate and love this push up. You crank out four pushups of your choice as fast as possible. then you do 3 slow ones (down in 4 counts, up in 4 counts). then you repeat. I only made it through 2 sets (there are 3). It just kicked my ass today.....

Day 28- Rest Day

Saturday was a scheduled rest day. While i was at the beach, I was hoping to get in a nice jog along the shore. however, we had extremely cold, windy, and rainy weather, so I took the day off!

Friday, April 10, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 26 and 27- Core Synergistics and Yoga

Hello All!

This week has been nuts- so nuts that I've barely had time to breathe. But after this holiday, things will be much easier to manage and daily posts WILL be the norm again.

Anyway, on Thursday I decided to actually do the Yoga instead of Core Syn (I just switched them). This was because I knew we were leaving for the beach on Friday and I would not have 90 minutes to do Yoga. But I did on Thursday. So I made the executive decision!

Daily Workout Summary (Thursday):

Yoga still sucks. I don't care what Jeff and some of the others say, I don't think I'll ever "grow to like it". The workout is just too long. I have a short attention span and need to have variety to keep me interested. The first 45 minutes of Yoga are all a variation on the same thing. So it gets old really quickly. However, the last half is much better. When you get into the balance poses, it becomes both challenging and exciting as you move from pose to pose- even getting some ab work in with the Yoga Belly X. Much better for someone like me.

I felt like the workout was good. I'm making gains in my flexibility and overall core strength. I still struggle with the Crane, but every time is an improvement!

Daily Workout Summary (Friday):

I freakin' LOVE Core Synergistics. Seriously- I love it. I could do it every day. It works your entire body- there's nothing spared. Arms, Legs, Shoulders, Back, Abs/Core- it's all there. And it sneeks up and kicks your ass just when you think it's not too bad.

I used my NOXplode and tried to really bring it today. Just because it's a recovery week, doesn't mean you can't work your ass off. So I got hopped up on my pre-workout drink and pushed myself. I did more push ups on all of the push up type of moves then I did earlier in the week. And I had an extreme sweat going today- good times.

One of the keys to this workout is making an effort to really engage your core on every move. For some of the moves, this is easy. But for others, you really need to concentrate on it and keeping your form. The easiest way to do this is to..... remember to breathe! I know Tony talks about this all the time, but it's really true. If you don't keep your breathing regular, you don't fully engage your core and your posture and form suffer. So for those of you who are newer to the workouts, please KEEP BREATHING!!! : )

Post Workout Rambling:

Just as an FYI, I'm going to be at the beach this weekend celebrating Easter with my wife's family and our kids. Since I'm at the beach, instead of resting, I plan to go for a nice jog along the beach. Maybe I'll see some dolphins or whales or big fish while I'm running. Anyway, if I don't post again until Monday, I hope everyone has a Happy Easter (or Happy Passover for all the folks out there who may be Jewish)!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 23 and 24- Core Synergistics and Kenpo

Work has been crazy this week. So my plan to post more regularly got fouled up yesterday. I got my Core Synergistics wokout in, but didn't get a chance tyo post. I had a late soccer game. So as soon as I finished work, workinging out, and getting a quick bite to eat, I was heading out the dorr to my game. I'm actually playing soccer 5 nights a week on top of the P90X- so I'm keeping busy. To be fair, even though I'm not quite 30 days in, the only reason I can play so many nights is because of the fitness base I got from my first time through P90X as well as the few weeks I've been on it again. Before P90X, there was NO way my body could have handled that much. But now the lighter, fitter me is going balls to the wall and loving it!

Anyway, Kenpo today was fine- nothing special to it. I worked it hard and got a nice sweat. But yesterday's Core Synergistics was something else! I really forgot that Core Syn is a TOUGH workout and I also forgot how much I liked it.

The toughest move of the day for me (outside of the stupid Drea Rolls- which I struggle with and hate) was the prison cell push ups. For those of you who are new to the "X" and haven't done core Syn yet, the prison cell push ups are TOUGH. You start at a standing position, drop down and do a push up. Then you bring one knee in, do a push up, bring the other in, do a push up, then jump back to your feet. Now, REPEAT for about a minute. It's an absolute killer. I was sweating like a pig and when I was done, I was doubled over with my hands on my knees gasping for air. The funny thing was that I started off well. I did like 3 times through really fast and thought, "thisisn't so bad". Then I hit the wall. It felt like someone threw a piano on my back. I struggled the rest of the way.

Anyway, tomorrow is a stretch x or rest day. I'm probably going to go for a run if it's nice. Plus I have a soccer game tomorrow night (shocker, right?). Talk to you soon guys and girls!

Monday, April 6, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 22- Cardio X (plus catching up!)

Hello all! Sorry I've been absent from the blog for the past few days. Things have been crazy. There's been a lot of stuff going on at work plus at home. The good news is I've been keeping up with my workouts. the bad news is I haven't been able to find a few extra minutes to update my blog.

Anyway, things have settled down here a bit so I wanted try and post just to stay in the loop. Today was the first day of my recovery week. Due to some time issues today I only had time to fit in Cardio x instead of the scheduled Yoga. But, with this beignthe recovery week, I'll see Yoga again later on this week. So this way it won't be boring (at least AS boring!).

Overall things haven't been too bad. I've dropped about 4-5 pounds the first 22 days- and that's without being as strict as I'd like to be with the diet. I started this round of P90X at about 204 pounds. I'm down to about 199-200, depending on the morning. The last time my most significant weight loss came during the middle phase, so I'm hopeful I'll continue to drop a few pounds. I plan to go really low carb for a while after this recovery week as well, so that will help me drop some weight as well.

Also, I've been using the WorkOutSoft sftware to track my workouts. It's pretty cool stuff. I hope to post some screen shtos or something in the next few days and will give soem inital thoughts on it as well.

Anyway, this is just a quick post. I should be back to more normal posting routines come tomorrow. Take care!