Sunday, February 15, 2009

P90X Round 2 Day 1: Chest and Back

Day Summary: Chest and Back was on the agenda today. Day 1 is always the hardest with any program I guess. I really could feel how much the time off has effected me. I lacked the explosion and endurance I had during the latter part of P90X. And I couldn't get through the Ab Ripper. I know this is temporary, and I imagine it will be passable by the end of the week. I'm not that far gone....

DIET: Did well today for my first day back on the diet. I'm starting the classic on the tradition 30 day cycle of low carb and high protein. After being a complete fatass for the last two month, it felt good to get back into the groove of healthy eating. Drank lots of water today. Breakfast was a protein shake (40 grams of protein). Snack was an EAS Carbconscience Shake (110 calories, 2 carbs, 17 grams of protein). Lunch wasa small garden salad with some grilled chicken and some light Italian dressing (only 2 carbs and very little fat or calories). Afternoon snack was a protein bar (15 grams of protein). Dinner was another salad and chicken with theItlaian dressing.

Favorite Move of the Day: Military push ups- I love these. My arms get a really deep burn in the tricep area!


Unknown said...

Somedays I struggle with the Military presses other days I easily do them .. very weird. Good to have you back aboard the good train P90X.

Tai Chi Monkey Girl said...

Heya Mike,

I'm also back pushing it, but the last few days been a little crazy with friends and V-day. I was bad and didn't do my Kenpo X Saturday. Oh, and I also didn't do Yoga X or substitute Cardio X in place of it on last Thursday. Oh well, hopefully, I won't cheat myself out of a workout this week.

It's good to back doing the P90X with you guys.