Decided to try and get a run in yesterday, since it's been about a week since my last one. That half marathon isn't going away, so I need to put the miles in. Strapped on all my cold gear, added some layers, grapped the iPod and my Garmin, and hit the road. Schedule called for 4 miles.
It was an interesting run. I couldn't run on the sidewalks because a lot of people never cleared them after our back to back blizzards last week. So, I was stuck running on the snow-narrowed roads. I stayed in my neighborhood and tried to run in as many of the little courts, etc as I could to avoid as many cars as possible.
This was an interesting run because I've never run more then 3 miles at one time. But I cam through it with shining colors! In fact, I ran 4 miles almost as fast in total minutes as I did on my last 3 mile run! I just had a better pace. also, another big difference was that I ran during the day vs at night. At night I tend to run slower because of the visibility issues, etc. I don't want to bust my ass! So on this run I could see everything and was able to run at a better pace.
Taking off today, as it's a scheduled rest day for both P90X and the runningschedule. then back at it tomorrow for a 3.5 mile run. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow night and tuesday (at least another 6"). So, I want to try and get my run in before it starts if I can.
Yeah, that was Stupid ...
12 years ago
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