Daily Workout Summary:
Due to tim constraints I opted to go with Intervals (from P90X+) today instead of Plyometrics. It saves me an extra 20-30 minutes. But it is no way easier- in fact I still think it's the hardest single workout Tony has put together in either of the P90X series.
During the video, Tony talks about studies that have shown that interval training is 2-3 times more effective in regards to cardio training then anything else. From personal experience, I can attest to that- and not just with this workout. Back in college, we used interval trainng in the pre-season for my lacrosse team to get in shape for the season. It was a different type of training then this. It mostly invovled track workouts (running different distances within set time limits- mixing short sprints and longer distances). But they were always killer.
This workout is just balls to the wall for 38-42 minutes (with warm up and cool down). You do 12 exercises at three different intensity levels, take a water break, and then do those 12 again in reverse order. It literally leaves me gasping for air and shaking all over. Of all the workouts, this is still the one I have trouble getting through no matter my fitness level. It really is that tough.
I prepared with my NOXplode and did the best I could. My bad knee decided to act up today, so some of the moves were a bit painful and I had to modify a few. but overall I brought it with a pretty good intensity level and felt like I got in a pretty good workout!
I had a solid diet day today. Breakfast was a protein shake. Snack was a protein bar. Lunch was a large Galdiator Protein Shake (banana strawberry!). Snack was some turkey jerky. Dinner was fun. It was very spring like tonight so I fired up the grill. I cooked some hot dogs (for the kids and wife). I also made some turkey hot dogs and some turkey italian sausagues. I had one of the turkey dogs on a whole wheat bun with some mustard and I had one of the sausages. Plus a salad. I have to admit, the turkey dogs were pretty bland (especially as I could SMELL the hot dogs!). But the sausgae was excellent!
Favorite Move of the Day:
This is a take off of some of the moves from plyo and cardio x. The first 20 seconds are some easy tires standing in place (think slow high knees). The second 20 seconds were a very fast high knee/run in place like you were running in place with your feet in some truck tires. the last 20 seconds are the "wacky jacks" from cardio x as fast as you can go. This move killed me today for some reason. I could really feel my obliques being hammered on by the wacky jacks. Good times!
Soundtrack of the Day:
Mama Said Knock You Out- LL Cool J.
Another classic- probably my favorite LL song. This song just makes you want to go kick someones ass! It's a must-listen for me when I workout and it keeps me pumped. This came on halfway through Intervals, and really heped re-energize me and keep me going.
Yeah, that was Stupid ...
12 years ago
That workout sounds brutal!!! I'm already scared to death of what I'm getting myself into with "+". Whoa.
Thanks for the comment on my blog... it really helped.
Take care!
I totally agree with you. IXP is the most demanding workout of the P90X/P90x+ series.
Once I finish the first set of Carlito's 3 ways I am pretty much wasted... And then to think that I have to do that exercise first thing on the way back! Just brutal. I love it!!!
Good job on your workout!
Project Exercise
Great blog - I've been wanting to try P90X for quite some time (but have been too chicken and wanted to lose some major fat first). I'm down 90 lbs so far, and will try to drop another 20 or so before trying P90X. Just call me a scaredy cat! Keep up the great work!
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