Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 6- Kenpo

I AM A NINJA! No seriously, I'm not, but I feel like some sort of ninja or something after my first round of Kenpo.

The workout was pretty intense- a lot more then I was expecting. I kept up pretty well though. My favorite stuff was the knee then back kick combo- lots of fun. The burnout at the end with the punches had my arms and shoulders on FIRE!

I had to do my workout eraly today as we are headed to PA for my sister's wedding this weekend. I'm taking food with me to try and stasy as strictly to the diet as I can. For breakfast today it was another whole wheat english muffin topped with peanut butter and a small bowl of mixed fruit(bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries). I had a recovery drink following the workout. I plan on eating a salad with some grilled chicken for lunch, a protein bar for a snack, and then eating whatever protein I can at the rehersal dinner.

I'm going to take the X Stretch with me for tomorrow and see if I can fit it in early in the morning, but no promises. Time and space is limited tomorrow. If not, it'll be a "miss" but at least it's on the recovery day. Then back home on Sunday to start week 2!

On a side note, my frend Jeff who is doing this workout with me (Dangle The Carrot) lives in Houston. It looks like Hurricane Ike is headed right for him and they could be in for a major disaster. Please keep Jeff, his family, and the people in harm's way in your thoughts and prayers.