Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 25- Kenpo X

I'm a little late getting this post up, but yesterday was Kenpo X day for me. I won't go on and on again about how much I love this workout (because I do). But I will say, that I look forward to this more then any of the workouts and that the time always goes by too fast.

I really pushed it in Kenpo today. I have noticed my form getting much better with all the moves- especially some of the kicks. This ha enabled me to really add height to the kicks. I was very pumped during this routine today and was even screaming at Tony and telling him I was going to kick his ass. I was a little over the top- but it was fun.

I was so exhausted after the workout I ended up going to bed around 9 (which is early for me). I think I just pushed it so hard that my body shut down- good times!

Diet was fine yesterday. Whole Wheat Englis Muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. Snack was a banana. Lunch was low-fat turkey and low fat cheddar cheese on a slice of whole wheat bread. Afternoon snack was some turkey jerkey. Dinner was two ground turkey tacos on low carb wheat tortilla shells.

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