Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 38- Back & Biceps

Today was the great back and biceps workout. Curls, curls, curls, and pull ups, pull ups, pull ups.

It is an intense workout and your biceps feel like they are going to explode when you are done. I did well today. Two scoops of Nano Vapor pre-workout had my engines revved. And a proper night of sleep. I brought it hard today, upping my reps on most all workouts.

The corn cob pull ups (pull up, slide right, slide left, slide middle, in-out, down) are still brutal. And the towel pull ups are a bitch too. But man they work you well.

Ab ripper went very well. I felt great during it and tried a few advanced options. I made it through just fine. I feel like Tony- Ab Ripper X: I hate it, but I love it. I actually look forward to it after the workout. In the beginning I dreaded it. Oh the times, they are a changing.

Diet went well. Protein shkae for breakfast. Protein bar for snack. Whole grain bread with sliced turkey for lunch. Recovery drink for snack. Roasted chicken for dinner.

See you tomorrow for the dreaded Yoga.


Anonymous said...


It is awesome to see that you are capable of killing the ab ripper. I am finally getting close. i beat the scissors again last night but, still haven't got up enough steam to get past the mason twists. I know it is coming though! I have also seen some significant advancement in fat loss around the midsection. The mytical 6 pack is within reach! Anyways keep up the good work and remember to beast the Crane today!

Tai Chi Monkey Girl said...

Hi Mike,

Yoga X is also my biggest obstacle. It strains my ligaments and I feel the pain for a couple of weeks. It hinders me from doing some of the exercises in the videos. Plus, it's the lengthiest workout in the set. :(

Anyways, I'm on my 26th day of the P90X Lean program. Sunday will be my 30 day milestone. Let's see what kind of results I have. Hopefully, I'll see some changes in the photos. Either way, I still feel more durable, flexible, stronger and slimmer than before I started p90x.

I love p90x.

Tai Chi Monkey Girl signing out.

Unknown said...

hey get your ass in gear .. you are a day behind on your posts.