Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 37- Plyometrics

Day 37 is Plyometrics day. This day is an all or nothing workout. You better be ready to bring it because this workout will kill you if you don't go "all in". You gotta push yourself and really break through the pain barrier. It burns- but the results are worth it.

I was still dragging from the lack of sleep over the weekend. I wasn't able to sleep in because I had a really early appointment for work a good 90 minutes from my house. So when I got home to start working out, I used the Nano Pump to get me ready. I should really call this Nano Crack because I swear to God it hit me like a freight train. I was bouncing off the walls.

I had a really great workout. I even turned my chair around on the leg over exercises to make myself have to swing higher. I double timed the high knee jump thngs both times through. And I really did well on the sideways squat jumps. Overall my best Plyo workout by far.

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