Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 45- Back & Biceps

I had the opportunity to work out over lunch today, so I decided to stay with the normal routine this week. Therefore, I will do Yoga tomorrow, and got to burn out my back and biceps today.

This is an intense workout that really keeps you moving. And it's really on the quicker side of the videos time-wise. I still have fits with all the pull up/chin ups in this one (especially the corn cob pull ups).

I felt like I had a really intense workout today overall. Real nice burn in the biceps. I love the Superman exercise. That's where you lay face down on the floor and then lift your legs and arms up off the ground for 10 seconds. Then you repeat for a total of 5. Tough! But oh so good!

Went through Ab Ripper X today and really tried to push myself. My words about "not pushing hard enough if you don't feel like puking" came back to haunt me. I pushed it so hard I threw up a little in my mouth at the end. I think it was mostly because I ate less then an hour before the workout. But, whatever, I still felt the burn and got through it.

Diet is still on track. I added in a few extra carbs today since I still have a soccer game to play tonight. See you tomorrow for Yoga X.


Unknown said...

We are halfway there biatch!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching the halfway point! Hope that Yoga X goes well for you today. I have Plyo today....I hate it but I love it! Hope to be there soon pal!

Tai Chi Monkey Girl said...

I sure you are ecstatic about reach the halfway marker. I wish I could be there now, but there are no shortcuts.

As I commented in Jeff's blog, I do believe this 45th day is the hump day. And it will get easier as you move forward. Well, it may not be a steep decline toward the finish line, but nevertheless it will still help you finish.

Keep going Mike, the finish line is just over the horizon.

Tai Chi Monkey Girl