Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 33- Legs & Back

Today was the legs and back workout. I got up early to do this one before work, since Jeff will be coming to town today. I also tried a new pre-workout supplement called NaNO Vapor. It works sort of like Superpump (though hopefully I won't react as badly to it).

I felt the NaNO Vapor right away. I was pretty amped and felt tingling in my muscles as I worked- good times!

The workout today was good. I upped all my max reps on the different pull ups. As for some of the lunges and such, I added in some dumbbells to increase the difficulty. IT especially worked on the calf raises. I have some big strong calves, so usually I wasn't getting too deep of a burn on the calf raises. This time, just by adding 2 12lb dumbbells, I was able to get a really deep burn in my calves. It was wonderful.

Ab ripper x was on the agenda today as well. Once again, I made it my bitch. I got through all exercises with all reps and still managed to rock the Fifer Scissors and the Mason Twists. Next week, I'm going to try doing some of the variations. I wanted to make sure I could repeat my success before moving on- and today proved that I could.

Jeff and I will be doing Kenpo together tomorrow and then off the Atlantic City for a Bachelor Party. Saturday is our rest day and Sunday we'll both be back in our respective homes to start week 6.

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